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Умная толпа - Рейнгольд Говард (книги хорошем качестве бесплатно без регистрации .txt) 📗

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21. Ivan E. Sutherland, «A Head-Mounted Three-Dimensional Display», AFIPS Conference Proceedings 33, Part I, 1968, 757-764.

22. S. Feiner, B. Maclntyre, and D. Seligmann, «Knowledge-Based Augmented Reality», Communications of the ACM 36 (July 1993): 52-62.

23. Spohrer, «Information in Places».

24. Per Persson and Fredrik Espinoza, «GeoNotes: Social Enhancement of Physical Space», ERCIM News 47, October 2001, « publication/Ercirn_News/enw47/persson.html » (2 February 2002).

25. Jun Rekimoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, and Kazutera Hayashi, «Augment-able Reality: Situated Communication through Physical and Digital Spaces», Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wearable Computing, 1998, « iswc98.pdf » (22 December 2001).

26. Ismail Haritaoglu, «InfoScope: Link from Real World to Digital Information Space», in Ubicomp 2001: Ubiquitous Computing. Third International Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September 30-October 2, 2001: Proceedings, ed. Gregory С Abowd, Barry Bromitt, and Steven A. Shafer, 247-255. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2201, Springer 2001, « http:// »

27. Salil Pradhan et al, «Websigns: Hyperlinking Physical Locations to the Web», IEEE Computer 34 (August 2001): 42-46.

28. Steven Feiner et al., «A Touring Machine: Prototyping 3D Mobile Augmented Reality Systems for Exploring the Urban Environment», Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Wearable Computers (1997): 74-81, « pdf/81920074.pdf » (5 February 2002).

29. Scott Fisher, «Environmental Media: Linking Virtual Environments to the Physical World», Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Mixed Reality, Yokohama, Japan, March 2001, « http:// » (3 February 2002).

30. David S. Bennahum, «Be Here Now», Wired 9.11, November 2001, « http://www.wired.eom/wired/archive/9.11/location.html » (3 February 2002).

31. Garreau, «You Are So Here».

32. «Direction Finding CDMA Handset from KDDI», 27 February 2002, « » (6 March 2002).

33. Universal Design of Digital City Project Overview, «http// » (3 February 2002).

34. Risto Linturi, Marja-Riitta Koivunen, and Jari Sulkanen, «Helsinki Arena 2000-Augmenting a Real City to a Virtual One», Digital Cities 2000 83-96, « » (11 January 2001).

35. The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), « » (3 February 2002).

36. Wade Roush, «Networking the Infrastructure», Technology Review, December 2001, « » (11 December 2001).

37. Russ Adams, «Bar Code History Page», BarCode 1, 16 (March 2001), « » (3 February 2002); See also: «The Origins of a Bar Code», Uniform Code Council, 2002, « » (11 January 2002).

38. Charlie Schmidt, «Beyond the Bar Code», Technology Review, March 2001, « asp » (6 January 2002).

39. Barpoint, « » (3 February 2002).

40. «Organic Transistors and the Death of the Bar Code», Berkeley Engineering Lab Votes 2 (February — March 2002), « » (29 March 2002).

41. Auto-ID Center, « » (29 March 2002).

42. Junko Yoshida, «Euro Bank Notes to Embed RFID Chips by 2005», ЕЕ Times, 19 December 2001, « » (29 January 2002).

43. Wes Vernon, «Latest Privacy Nightmare: Money That Tracks You», , 28 July 2001, « /2001/7/27/212324.shtml » (3 February 2002).

44. Will Knight, «Tiny Radio Chip Gives Paper an ID», New Scientist, 4 July 2001, « » (3 February 2002); «Hitachi Announces Worlds Smallest RFID 1С, the mu-chip», 5 July 2001, « semiconductorcomponent/elecrfid/ » (5 February 2002).

45. Kris Pister, Joe Kahn, and Bernhard Boser, «Smart Dust: Autonomous Sensing and Communication in a Cubic Millimeter», Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center, « http://www.-bsac.EECS.Berkeley.EDU/~pister/ SmartDust/ » (2 February 2002).

46. Duncan Graham-Rowe, «Dust Bugs», New Scientist, 28 August 1999, « newscientist.html » (30 January 2002).

47. Jack Smith, «Computer in a Speck of Dust», , 22 November 1999, « » (3 February 2002).

48. Jun Rekimoto, «NaviCam: A Magnifying Glass Approach to Augmented Reality Systems», Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 6, 4 (1997): 339-412.

49. Jun Rekimoto, « » (3 February 2002).

50. Neil Gershenfeld, When Things Start to Think (New York: Henry Holt, 1999).

51. William Butera, «Programming a Paintable Computer», (Ph. D. diss, MIT, 2002), « » (July 2002).

52. Gershenfeld, When Things Start to Think, 10.

53. Steve Mann and Hal Niedzviecki, Cyborg: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer (Mississauga: Doubleday Canada, 2001), 30.

54. «A Brief History of Wearable Computing», « » (3 February 2002).

55. J. Peter Bade, G. Q. Maguire Jr., and David F Bantz, The IBM/ Columbia Student Electronic Notebook Project, 29 June 1990.

56. «A Brief History of Wearable Computing».

57. The Wearable Group at Carnegie Mellon, « » (6 March 2002). See also: VuMan, « » (6 March 2002).

58. Mann and Niedzviecki, Cyborg, 42.

59. Cyberman, directed by Peter Lynch, « » (29 March 2002).

60. Thad Starrier, «Wearable Computing and Context Awareness» (Ph. D. diss., MIT, 1999), 64.

61. Mann and Niedzviecki, Cyborg, 71.

62. Steve Mann, «Smart Clothing: The Shift to Wearable Computing», Proceedings of CACM 39 (August 1996): 23-24.

63. «The MIThril Vision», « mithril/vision.html » (21 January 2002).

64. Scott Stemberger, «New Body Art: Wearable Wireless Devices», IBM DeveloperWorks, January 2002, « developerworks/wireless/library/wi-wear.html?t=gr,p=Wearem-Wireless » (3 February 2002).

65. Wearable Internet Appliance, « vims/wia/eng/main.html » (3 February 2002).

66. «Timex Watch to Incorporate Speedpass Technology», Associated Press, 28 February 2002, « review/2002/2/28/timexspeedpass.htm » (6 March 2002).

Глава 5

1. Epigraph: Bruce Sterling, Distraction, A Novel (New York: Bantam, 1998).

2. Upendra Shardanand and Pattie Maes, «Social Information Filtering-Algorithms for Automating Word of Mouth», Proceedings of ACM CHF95 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1995, « http:// » (9 February 2002).

3. Cameron Barrett, «Online Community Technologies and Concepts», , December 2001, « essays/communities.html » (9 February 2002).

4. Howard Rheingold, The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1993).

5. Howard Rheingold, «Virtual Communities», Whole Earth Review 61 (Winter 1988): 14.

6. David Goldberg et al., «Using Collaborative Filtering to Weave an Information Tapestry», Communications of the ACM 35 (December 1992): 61-70.

7. Usenet FAQ Archive, « » (9 February 2002).

8. Paul Resnick et al., «GroupLens: An Open Architecture for Collaborative Filtering of Netnews», Proceedings of ACM 1994 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1994, 175-186, « http:// » (9 February 2002).

9. The Reputations Research Network, « edu/reputations/ » (14 January 2002).

10. MovieLens, « » (9 February 2002).

11. Hui Guo, Thomas Kreifelts, and Angi Voss, «SOaP: Social Filtering through Social Agents», report of ECRIM Workshop Proceedings, No. 98/W001 of the 5th DELOS Workshop on Filtering and Collaborative Filtering, 291-298, « DELOS5/guo.pdf » (10 February 2002).

12. Steven Johnson, Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software (New York: Scribner, 2001).

13. Epinions, « » (9 February 2002).

14. Mark Frauenfelder, «Revenge of the Know-It-Ails», Wired 8.07, July 2000, « http://www.wired.eom/wired/archive/8.07/egoboo.html » (31 January 2002).

15. Katie Hafner, «Web Sites Begin to Self Organize», New York Times, 18 January 2001, « » (24 January 2002).

16. Everything2, « » (9 February 2002).

17. Blogger, « » (5 February 2002).

18. Farhad Manjoo, «Blah, Blah, Blah, and Blog», Wired News, 18 February 2002, « http://www.wired.eom/news/print/0,1294,50443,00. htrnl » (24 February 2002).

19. Henry Jenkins, «Digital Renaissance», Technology Review, March 2002, « » (24 February 2002).

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