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Plague Ship - Cussler Clive (полные книги .TXT) 📗

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“You should have died that night and saved the world a lot of misery, you sick freak. I have dealt with al-Qaeda assassins and Soviet torturers, and every perverted piece of slime in between, but you are the single-most-evil human being I have ever met. You could have shown the world one of the greatest discoveries of all time, perhaps the inspiration for a most beloved Bible story, but instead you only cared about reaping death.

“Well, Kessler, you have reaped what you’ve sown, and when I think about you freezing to death, tonight over dinner, I am going to smile.” Cabrillo closed the helicopter door. “Let’s go.”

“What happens now?” Julia asked as the chopper shot past the edge of the glacier and over open water.

“He dies.”

“I mean, with the ark.”

“Oh that. I’ve already contacted Kurt Austin at NUMA. He told me they are going to find a way to convince the Norwegian government to let them do a detailed survey of that glacier. With her copper bottom, they should have no problem locating the ancient wreck.”

“I wonder what they will find.”

Juan gave her a dreamy look. “Who knows, maybe all the creatures of the world loaded two by two.” MAX HANLEY SAT ON A BENCH near the Griffith Park Observatory, overlooking downtown L.A.

A shadow passed over his face, and when he looked up his son Kyle was standing over him. Max made a wordless gesture for him to sit. He could feel the anger radiating off the boy as though it were waves of heat.

Kyle was staring off into the distance, so Max studied his profile. There was a lot of the kid’s mother in him, but he saw a few of his own features. As he watched, a single tear rolled down Kyle’s cheek, and as if a floodgate had opened Kyle began to cry— deep, choking sobs that sounded like his soul was being torn apart. He clutched at his father, and Max took him in his arms.

“I am so sorry, Dad,” Kyle sobbed.

“And I forgive you.”

Because that’s what fathers do.

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