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Мир вокруг нас - "Этэрнус" (лучшие книги без регистрации TXT) 📗

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III. Image credit: Arpad Horvath (16 March 2006, see (source)), adapted by Eternus (4 April 2015): aligning / changing places of some elements, change of font. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license (for details, please visit (about this license)).

IV. Image credit: Roshan220195 (29 June 2012, see (source)), modified by Eternus (4 April 2015): removing last three periods of table, adding bottom border, aligning / changing places of some elements, changing design of arrows, change of font. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (for details, please visit (about this license)).

V. Left image credit: Tomruen (9 October 2010, see (source)), changed by Eternus (9 April 2015): rotated, central point added. This work is in the public domain.

VI. Right image credit: Tomruen (26 April 2011, see (source)), modified by Eternus (5 December 2015): cropped, central point added. This work is in the public domain.

VII. Image by P.wormer (6 December 2010, see (source)). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (for details, please visit (about this license)).

VIII. Image credit: FlorianMarquardt (14 Oct 2002), with modification (4 July 2009, see (source)) by Falcorian. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (for details, please visit (about this license)).

IX. Frames, extracted by Eternus (2015), from file Drum vibration mode01.gif. Original file — by Oleg Alexandrov (16 January 2008, see (source)). This work is in the public domain.

X. Frames, extracted by Eternus (2015), from file Drum_vibration_mode02.gif. Original file — by Oleg Alexandrov (16 January 2008, see (source)). This work is in the public domain.

XI. Frames, extracted by Eternus (2015), from file Drum_vibration_mode03.gif. Original file — by Oleg Alexandrov (8 June 2008, see (source)). This work is in the public domain.

XII. Left image credit: Dhatfield (25 September 2008). This work is in the public domain. Source:

XIII. Central image credit: Dhatfield (25 September 2008). This work is in the public domain. Source:

XIV. Right image credit: Dhatfield (25 September 2008). This work is in the public domain. Source:

XV. Image credit: Sven (30 June 2006, see (source)), modified by Eternus (4 December 2015): cropped, change of font. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (for details, please visit (about this license)).

XVI. Frames, extracted from file Drum_vibration_mode11.gif and cropped by Eternus (2015). Original file — by Oleg Alexandrov (16 January 2008, see (source)). This work is in the public domain.

XVII. Frames, extracted from file Drum_vibration_mode12.gif and cropped by Eternus (2015). Original file — by Oleg Alexandrov (12 January 2008, see (source)). This work is in the public domain.

XVIII. Frames, extracted from file Drum_vibration_mode21.gif and cropped by Eternus (2015). Original file — by Oleg Alexandrov (12 January 2008, see (source)). This work is in the public domain.

XIX. Image credit: Patricia.fidi (27 December 2006), with modifications (latest — 6 July 2012, see (source)) by Mathieu Perrin, Quibik, Quaerendo, changed by Eternus (9 December 2015): cropping, aligning / changing places of some elements, dividing line added, change of font, cleaning of code. This work is in the public domain.

XX. Автор изображения: Tigran Mitr am (13 октября 2008, см. (источник)). Рис. передан в общественное достояние.

XXI. Image credit: StringTheory11 (2012), with modifications (latest — 18 August 2014, see (source)) by Soerfm, Quenhitran, changed by Eternus (2015): cropping. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license (for details, please visit (about this license)), 3.0 Unported license (for details, please visit (about this license)), 2.5 Generic license (for details, please visit (about this license)), 2.0 Generic license (for details, please visit (about this license)) and 1.0 Generic license (for details, please visit (about this license)).

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