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Convicted - Romig Aleatha (читать книги полностью без сокращений .TXT) 📗

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Books #4, 5, and 6 of the CONSEQUENCES Series

You’ve experienced the CONSEQUENCES, you’ve learned the TRUTH, now you know who was CONVICTED...the time has come to see it from TONY’S point of view!

Each novella will be a collection of significant scenes, from each book, of the CONSEQUENCES Series. These will not be full length novels and won’t retell the entire series—only significant scenes, and because you asked for it...Behind His Eyes will also contain timelines and family trees.

It has been said that to truly understand a person, one must walk a mile in their shoes. BEHIND HIS EYES will be the rare opportunity to step into Anthony Rawlings’ Gucci loafers and experience the Consequences from his perspective.

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Books by Aleatha Romig:


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Purchase your copy from Amazon!


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Purchase your copy from Amazon!


Behind His Eyes —Consequences

Behind His Eyes —Truth

Behind His Eyes —Convicted

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Aleatha Romig was voted #1 New Author to Read on Goodreads in September of 2012 and hit the best seller’s list in June of 2013! Writing has always been her dream. She has lived most of her life in Indiana—growing-up in Mishawaka, graduating from Indiana University, and currently living south of Indianapolis. Together with her husband of twenty seven years, they've raised three children. Before becoming a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and enjoyed spending her nights writing. When she isn’t spinning twisted tales—she enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and readers. Her pastimes include: exercising, reading, writing, and wine. (Not in that order!)

Aleatha enjoys traveling—especially when a beach is involved! In 2011, she had the opportunity to visit Sydney, Australia, to visit her daughter studying at the University of Wollongong. Her dream is to travel to places in her novels and around the world.

CONSEQUENCES—her first novel, was released in August of 2011. TRUTH, Book #2 of the CONSEQUENCES Series, was released in October 2012. The final installment, CONVICTED, Book #3 of the CONSEQUENCES Series will be released in October of 2013. Watch for BEHIND HIS EYES The Consequences Series Reading Companion, to be released in the future.

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*Amazon, CONVICTED by Romig, Customer Reviews

*Barnes & Noble, CONVICTED by Romig, Customer Reviews

* Romig

-Stay Connected with Aleatha-

“Like” Aleatha Romig @ to learn the latest information regarding Truth, Convicted, Behind his Eyes, and other writing endeavors.

And, “Follow” @aleatharomig on Twitter!

Email Aleatha: [email protected] / Check out her blog:

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