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Locked Doors - Crouch Blake (читаем книги онлайн .TXT) 📗

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Locked Doors
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17 март 2020
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Locked Doors - Crouch Blake (читаем книги онлайн .TXT) 📗
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Locked Doors - Crouch Blake (читаем книги онлайн .TXT) 📗 краткое содержание

Locked Doors - Crouch Blake (читаем книги онлайн .TXT) 📗 - описание и краткое содержание, автор Crouch Blake, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки
Seven years ago, suspense novelist Andrew Thomas's life was shattered when he was framed for a series of murders. The killer's victims were unearthed on Andrew's lakefront property, and since he was wanted by the FBI, Andrew had no choice but to flee and to create a new identity. Andrew does just that in a cabin tucked away in the remote wilderness near Haines Junction, Yukon. His only link to society is by e-mail, through which he learns that all the people he ever loved are being stalked and murdered. Culminating in the spooky and secluded Outer Banks of North Carolina, the paths of Andrew Thomas, a psychotic named Luther Kite, and a young female detective collide. LOCKED DOORS is a novel of blistering suspense that will scare you to death. About the Author: BLAKE CROUCH was born near the piedmont town of Statesville, North Carolina in 1978. He attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and graduated in 2000 with degrees in English and Creative Writing. Blake is the author of four novels and numerous short stories. He lives with his family in southwest Colorado, where he is at work on a new book. His website is PRAISE FOR LOCKED DOORS... Crouch quite simply is a marvel. LOCKED DOORS is as good as anything I've read all year, a stay-up-all-night thriller that will have you chewing your fingers down to the nub even as you're reading its last paragraph. Highest possible recommendation. BOOKREPORTER Crouch's story has much going for it, as does his considerable skill as an author. The story grips and propels the reader, while Crouch makes the ride hypnotic with beautiful Carolina moons over tide-smoothed beaches. One wonders if a poet turned to horror, would this be the result. CHARLESTON POST AND COURIER Fast-paced and scary. CALGARY SUN Crouch writes a nicely turned character, puts them front-and-center and then rains holy hell upon them until you think your head is going to explode. THE AGONY COLUMN LOCKED DOORS, then, is on a big level a novel of redemption…great stuff, wonderfully written. THE NEW LONDON DAY Blake Crouch is a young thriller writer with a talent for creating really spooky characters and plots that take terror to a new level. TORONTO SUN Gut wrenching...the writing is tight, the plots exciting, the suspense unending...What Crouch does about as well as anyone is give the reader that sinking feeling in their gut. In LOCKED DOORS, I actually shuddered when certain events unfolded. Crouch tops my list. OTTAWA SUN Chilling...clever and lightning-paced...Blake Crouch has penned a sequel that will keep you reading long past your bedtime. BOOKPAGE Crouch's world will appeal to James Patterson fans...there's blood spattered from Manteo to Murphy by the time Crouch is finished. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Expertly paced and viscerally effective, with many surprises and genuine chills. KIRKUS REVIEWS Palpable suspense. Non-stop action. Relentless and riveting. Blake Crouch is the most exciting new thriller writer I've read in years. DAVID MORRELL This tautly written, very scary thriller quickly grabs the reader by the throat. Leave the lights on; Luther may be out there. BOOKLIST When the story moves to the foggy, desolate Outer Banks, Crouch is at his terrifying best. You can feel the cold mist on your skin and see the creepy shadows barely illuminated by a distant cabin's flickering light. A great horror novel takes you to a place so scary and vivid as to make you thankful you are not actually there, and Crouch does this well. DENVER POST This is a new millennium, and Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates and Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter have to be outdone. Crouch comes close. ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS [LOCKED DOORS] is as suspenseful, chilling and macabre a novel as I've ever read. WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL

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By Blake Crouch

Copyright © 2005 by Blake Crouch

Cover art copyright © 2010 by Jeroen ten Berge

All rights reserved.

LOCKED DOORS is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

For more information about the author, please visit

For more information about the artist, please visit

“Locked Doors,” from The Awful Rowing Toward God by Anne Sexton. Copyright © 1975 by Loring Conant, Jr., Executor of the Estate of Anne Sexton. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

For Rebecca, LOMFL


BEFORE we get started, I need to thank some wonderful people.  My wife, Rebecca, has been there for me in every way possible—much love to the Becca.  Linda Allen, Marcia Markland, Anna Cottle, and Mary Alice Kier are some of the savviest readers and kindest people I’ve ever known.  My writers group—Shannon Richardson, Dinah Leavitt, Suzanne Tyrpak, Doug Walker, and Richard Koch—provided me with invaluable feedback and helped make this book readable for those who haven’t encountered Desert Places.  Goddess of website design, Beth Tendall, conjured my internet presence with elegance and humor.  Sandi Greene (how many mother-in-laws show up in the acknowledgements?) should be my North Carolina publicist.  Andy Smith and Anne Walker gave me wonderful feedback.  Bill Smith was kind enough to explain hypnosis to me and in the process damn near put me under.  A double nod for the wonderful writer and inventor-extraordinaire, Doug Walker, who showed me how to build a homemade electric chair.  My climbing buddy and master photographer, Paul Pennington, took some killer author photos.  A standing ovation for the brilliant Detective Art Holland who walked me through the realities of crime scene investigation and inadvertently helped to unravel a crucial plot point.  My brother, Jordan, inspired me immensely, particularly through the last hundred pages.  And finally, a grateful bow to everyone at Maria’s Bookshop in Durango, Colorado.


For the angels who inhabit this town,

although their shape constantly changes,

each night we leave some cold potatoes

and a bowl of milk on the windowsill.

Usually they inhabit heaven where,

by the way, no tears are allowed.

They push the moon around like

a boiled yam.

The Milky Way is their hen

with her many children.

When it is night the cows lie down

but the moon, that big bull, stands up.

—Anne Sexton, “Locked Doors”


THE headline on the Arts and Leisure page read: “Publisher to Reissue Five Thrillers by Alleged Murderer, Andrew Z. Thomas.”

All it took was seeing his name.

Karen Prescott dropped The New York Times and walked over to the window.

Morning light streamed across the clutter of her cramped office—query letters and sample chapters stacked in two piles on the floor beside the desk, a box of galleys shoved under the credenza.  She peered out the window and saw the fog dissolving, the microscopic crawl of traffic now materializing on Broadway through the cloud below.

Leaning against a bookcase that housed many of the hardcovers she’d guided to publication, Karen shivered.  The mention of Andrew’s name always unglued her.

For two years she’d been romantically involved with the suspense novelist and had even lived with him during the writing of Blue Murder at the same lake house in North Carolina where many of his victims were found.

She considered it a latent character defect that she’d failed to notice anything sinister in Andy beyond a slight reclusive tendency.

My God, I almost married him.

She pictured Andy reading to the crowd in that Boston bookshop the first time they met.  In a bathrobe writing in his office as she brought him fresh coffee (French roast of course).  Andy making love to her in a flimsy rowboat in the middle of Lake Norman.

She thought of his dead mother.

The exhumed bodies from his lakefront property.

His face on the FBI website.

They’d used his most recent jacket photo, a black and white of Andy in a sports jacket sitting broodingly at the end of his pier.

During the last few years she’d stopped thinking of him as Andy.  He was Andrew Thomas now and embodied all the horrible images the cadence of those four syllables invoked.

There was a knock.

Scott Boylin, publisher of Ice Blink’s literary imprint, stood in the doorway dressed in his best bib and tucker.  Karen suspected he was gussied up for the Doubleday party.

He smiled, waved with his fingers.

She crossed her arms, leveled her gaze.

God he looked streamlined today—very tall, fit, crowned by thick black hair with dignified intimations of silver.

He made her feel little.  In a good way.  Because Karen stood nearly six feet tall, few men towered over her.  She loved having to look up at Scott.

They’d been dating clandestinely for the last four months.  She’d even given him a key to her apartment where they spent countless Sundays in bed reading manuscripts, the coffeestained pages scattered across the sheets.

But last night she’d seen him at a bar in SoHo with one of the cute interns.  Their rendezvous did not look work-related.

“Come to the party with me,” he said.  “Then we’ll go to Il Piazza.  Talk this out.  It’s not what you—”

“I’ve got tons of reading to catch up—”

“Don’t be like that, Karen, come on.”

“I don’t think it’s appropriate to have this conversation here, so…”

He exhaled sharply through his nose and the door closed hard behind him.

Joe Mack was stuffing his pink round face with a gyro when his cell phone started ringing to the tune of “Staying Alive.”

He answered, cheeks exploding with food, “This Joe.”

“Hi, yes, um, I’ve got a bit of an interesting problem.”


“Well, I’m in my apartment but I can’t get the deadbolt to turn from the inside.”

Joe Mack choked down a huge mouthful, said, “So you’re locked in.”


“Which apartment?”  He didn’t even try to mask the annoyance in his voice.

“Twenty-two eleven.”


“Um…I’m not the tenet.  I’m Karen Prescott’s friend.  She’s the—”

“Yeah, I get it.  You need to leave any time soon?”

“Well, yeah, I don’t want to—”

Joe Mack sighed, closed the cell phone, and devoured the last of the gyro.

Wiping his hands on his shirt he heaved himself from a debilitated swivel chair and lumbered out of the office, locking the door behind him.

The lobby was quiet for midday and the elevator doors spread as soon as he pressed the button.  He rode up wishing he’d bought three gyros for lunch instead of two.

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